Afternoon Crumbs
I don't know how you're going to break this to your children, but Dana Delany murdered and skinned Tigger - Go Fug Yourself
And then Blake NotSoLively smeared Tigger's orange blood all over her body - The Berry
Please tell me Jensen Button whispered into Prince Hot Ginge's precious ear that his girlfriend gave him a new kind of the herp so we can be done with this Flee shit! - Lainey Gossip
Mad Mel just riding an invisible Nazi Big Wheel to Hell - The Superficial
If you need to turn a cat off for a minute, here you go (Note: Doesn't work on children or Sienna Miller's bull dozer vagina) - The Daily What
Continuing today's theme of random man nipples, here's Edward Norton's (site NSFW) - Drunken Stepfather
"I got ALL your numbers, hussy" - Xenu to Placido Domingo Jr. - Celebitchy
The Adventures of Tintin trailer - Towleroad
Julianne Hough SANS FARDS - Hollywood Tuna
Ben Affleck's got that "been marinating in casino smoke and whiskey for 12 hours" glow about him - Just Jared
If Ke$ha as a Muppet - Popoholic
The Give Them All A Black Eye Please are taking a break so you'll have to get your eardrum-murdering music elsewhere - ICYDK
Awkward is when people who used to fuck have to hug - Popsugar
Still a piece of trash - OMG Blog
The Empress of Lucite blessed the waters of Miami with her purified beauty - Hollywood Rag
Pie curious? - Cityrag
Gabriel Aubry's crazy ass should really just knock on the front door next time - I'm Not Obsessed
Glamour three ways - SOW
Christina Applegate Christina DaRe Christina Milian Christina Ricci Chyler Leigh Ciara Cindy Crawford
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